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    Faculty representatives from the College of Communication attended the 30th China International Advertising Festival
    作者:Feng Yi  发布时间:2023-11-21      浏览次数: 审核人:Zeng Lingyu

    Recently, the 30th China International Advertising Festival hosted by the China Advertising Association opened in Xiamen, attracting advertising industry elites from all over the world to participate. Media College of Wuhan Textile University, as a member of Wuhan Advertising Association college professional committee, Vice President Xiong Lei and Director Feng Yi of Advertising Department participated in the industry event on behalf of the college.

    On November 18, the 2023 National Advertising Academic Seminar and the celebration of the 40th anniversary of the establishment of Xiamen University's advertising major were held in the lecture hall on the third floor of the Science and Art Center of Xiamen University. The conference brought together many experts and scholars of advertising to discuss the latest research results and development trends of the advertising discipline.

    On November 19, Vice President Xiong Lei and Director Feng Yi participated in the Industry-Education Integration Summit Forum held in the International Conference Hall on the 4th floor of Hall C3, Xiamen International Convention and Exhibition Center. The forum aims to promote the exchange and cooperation between the education system and the industry, and realize the innovation and iteration of the education concept and the integration mechanism of industry and education. The Media College of Wuhan Textile University was elected as the vice chairman unit of the National all-media live broadcast industry Integration of industry and education Community, which is a full affirmation of the measures and achievements of the media College in the integration of industry and education by the China Advertising Association.

    The forum presented awards to the winning teachers and students who participated in the third Online Broadcast Innovation and Entrepreneurship Practical Skills Competition of the Guangzhou Association. The competition attracted 84 universities, 313 teams and more than 2,800 students from all over the country. The three teams formed by undergraduates majoring in advertising of the College of Communication and Communication actively participated in the competition, showing their excellent practical skills and solid professional foundation. One of the teams won the national third prize of "Digital Cultural Travel Track", and the other two teams won the national excellence award of "Good China Track". Mr. Feng Yi accepted the award as the representative of the instructor, which is not only an honor for the teachers and students of advertising majors, but also a commendation for the pioneering, innovative and entrepreneurial education of the College of Communication and Communication.

    By participating in this international advertising Festival, the college has strengthened the in-depth communication and cooperation with the domestic advertising industry, and provided new ideas and directions for the college to explore the road of integration of industry and education to achieve the cultivation of innovative media talents. At the same time, it also demonstrated the professional strength and comprehensive quality of the teachers and students of the College to the all-media live broadcasting industry, further enhanced the social influence of the College of Media and Communication, and injected new impetus for high-quality development in the future.
